Storyboard for Noah – based on Bill Cosby’s routine.

From Storyboard class with professor Goto.

PDF: Set it to width and use the arrow keys to the sides




==== Shmaze ====

What’s the difference between thinking out loud and talking to yourself?

Signal Lost

Water colors and pen with digital lettering. Done for a materials and technique class with Larison. Ok, I will admit that I am starting to enjoy traditional media.



Trivia Time
So there is this guy, Bruce Conner. He made a movie once upon a time about the experiment of some H bomb being dropped on a fleet of ships — from like 30 different angles while being accompanied by the music of Terry Riley. It’s called Crossroads.

Invasion Splash Page

Final Project for Mat & Tech class with Larison. Splash Page with ink brush on bristol.




I am glad the first time I watched the Star Wars movies, I did them in the order of Episodes. This way I could enjoy a story about a little boy growing up to be a great warrior and a lover, only to lose it all to fear. Inevitably, causing him to become a ruthless dictator who’s doomed to be brought down by his own children. Additionally, the movies seemed to mature together with me. I didn’t even realize Anakin Skywalker was supposed to be Darth Vader until the end of Episode III. Mind Blow!


Environment Drawing

Homework: environment and props design for Bellatrix and a separate design of an abandoned greenhouse.


Torture Bracelets: One for the victim, who will suffer excruciating pain while they wear it, and one for the owner, which allows them to disable the torture effect and wear both as harmless accessories.

Wand Holster Garter: For a hidden wand.

Unicorn Nail Polish: Ensures the wearer will win in any magical duel.

Bellatrix Props

Torture Chamber for Magical Beings

Bellatrixs Chamber of Torture

Greenhouse Design



How can you tell between what you know and what you think you know?

Structure Studies

Some studies from Dove’s class on environment, structure and props.

Building Studies

Car Studies


Russian Proverb:

The church might be near but the road is slippery. The tavern is far but I’ll walk carefully.

Two Storyboards

Both storyboards are done for SCAD class with Benjamin Phillips.

The pdf link is called Robotics Competition. Unfortunately, I couldn’t upload it as video.

The second storyboards are  part of the Freedom – Eleutherophobia story, “Inside the Temple”.

Robotics Competition

Inside the ancient temple final

==== Shmaze ====

What does it say about me as an employee, if I can’t stand writing cover letters?

Freedom – Storyboards

Storyboards for the Eleutherophobia – Freedom story. A project I did for storyboarding class with Ben Phillips.

Vovchuk_vladislav_port2_image1Village RaidFreedom Progression

==== Shmaze ====

Our brain is the most expensive organ in the animal kingdom.

I am getting too skinny, probably should stop thinking so hard.

Freedom – Characters Design

More works from storyboarding class with professor Ben Phillips.

Character design for my Eleutherophobia/ Freedom story.



==== Shmaze ====

The checklist I have to finish before I can play some Dark Souls:  Finish Homework – clean around the house – read a chapter from a book – draw all the things.

Hmm, this might take a while.

Scenery Design

Some scenery images from storyboarding class. I keep using my Eleutherophobia story as an inspiration. Using Clip Studio with Photoshop. I am starting to enjoy this process. Also, some thumbnails at the end.


==== Shmaze ====

My girlfriend’s cat is convinced that me throwing him off the table is actually an invitation for him to jump on the other side of the table, right into my glass of water.


Daredevil on River St

Finally done with the quarter!! Now time for a three week coma.

My final works in Drawing for Sequential class. Used a building from River St, Savannah as a reference.  Hooray for Clip Studio Paint!


GapstowTemple final


==== Shmaze ====

12 years old or 25, but the fact remains that running around the house  like a moron with a sword results in a broken lamp.

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