Matrix Reloaded – 1st Fight Scene pt1

Matrix Reloaded – First Fight Scene (pt.1)

Just some fight scene practice using one of my favorite movies of all times. I think I got better by the third page.





Cats can be so rude.  I wonder how people would react if in the middle of conversation, I would go “hold on a second while I wipe my butt.”

Fight Scene – page 3 color

Well, today was my first day of class at SCAD, so I guess from the next entree I will have mostly homework to upload.

Was trying a bit different approach to color this time. Still looking for my style.

Clip Studio
Clip Studio

Some figure practice. Some using geometric shapes while others outlining muscles.

Figure practice. Used references. Done in Clip Studio.
Figure practice. Used references. Done in Clip Studio.

Didn’t have much opportunity to shamze lately. But I feel try to come up with something next time.

Fight Scene – page 3 BW

So, for the past a couple of months I was traveling from California to Wisconsin and from there to Georgia. Didn’t had much time to draw. However, finally I’ve arrived in Savannah,all settled in and ready to start my Sequential Art education in SCAD!

Here is the third page on the Fight Scene I’ve been working on. This is both an exercise and a trial of some techniques I wanted to try.

Clip Studio
Clip Studio
Clip Studio
Clip Studio

Fight Scene – page 2 color

Was working on coloring the page. Trying different approaches to colors. What’s great about this style is that its pretty fast and expressive.

Fight Scene Page 2 Color

=== Shmaze ===

I really don’t get beauty magazines. There is nothing wrong with skinny girls in my opinion, but that’s not my taste. I like them to have some extra beauty around. However, because it’s not somebody’s taste, they feel it’s okay to talk down on other people’s preference and create a whole population of insecure beautiful women. Please feel pretty!

Fight Scene – Storyboarding to first sketch (click link for more)

I’ve decided to continue working on the fight scene. Here is the progress so far. One ‘hopefully’ final line work, One page of sketches before linework,one storyboarding panel and one  page layout sketch. Now, what is left is just some color.

Done in manga studio

* So, I accidentally swiped the characters and now I need to come up with a different ending to the storyboarding. So good lesson for the future. Like my grandma says “Pay more Attention!”.

Fight panel 1 linework Panel 1 Sketchs

Fight Scene Second Page

fight storyboarding 1


Was reading many different sources and found out that, it’s quite different from what people believe it to be. Seems worth investigating!


Let’s be frank. What does depopulation mean and what does it not mean?

What it does Not mean is killing or hurting people. What it Does mean is making conscious awareness of how much we reproduce.  It means reducing the amount of babies we are making as it endangers the survival of our civilization. ‘Here, are more of Us, than we can Sustain.’ So we should be conscious of our reproduction for the better future of next generations. Be safe.

I might turn it into illustration.


Fight Scene, first panel work

Fight Scene, first panel work.

Yesterday I’ve  finally decided I like the Art field. Its a difficult field and requires a lot of innovation, self-promotion and constant tight schedule to achieve a breakthrough. But that’s why when you do succeed its so much more rewarding. Being successful in something I would enjoy doing as long as my eyes open is definitely worth the risk and effort. Otherwise it wouldn’t feel as much fun when you get it.

* Working on some fight scene, got only the first part of the panel…

Manga Studio 5 EX

First panel work Manga Studio EX
First panel work
Manga Studio EX

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